Spring Is Here ….Time To Think About Mulch

Spring Is Here ….Time To Think About Mulch
Fresh mulched and edged gardens in Wayne New Jersey

Spring Is Here ….Time To Think About Mulch

Mulch, an essential layer of material applied to gardens and landscaping, enriches the soil and enhances its fertility. This versatile layer can be crafted from a diverse range of materials such as wood chips, bark, straw, and compost. Mulch has many benefits, including:

  • Protecting the soil from erosion. Wind and rain can easily erode bare soil, but mulch helps to hold the soil in place.
  • Retaining moisture in the soil. Mulch helps to keep the soil moist by preventing evaporation. This is especially important in hot, dry climates.
  • Suppressing weeds. Mulch makes it difficult for weeds to grow. This can save you time and effort in weeding your garden.
  • Improving the soil quality. Mulch breaks down over time and adds nutrients to the soil. This can help to improve the overall health of your plants.
  • Adding beauty to your garden. Mulch can add a touch of color and texture to your garden. It can also help to define the edges of your beds and borders.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using mulch:

  • Choose the right type of mulch for your needs. There are many different types of mulch available, so it is important to choose one that is right for your climate and gardening style.
  • Apply the mulch correctly. Mulch should be applied in a layer that is 2 to 4 inches thick. It is important to keep the mulch away from the stems of your plants, as this can encourage rot.
  • Replenish the mulch as needed. Mulch will break down over time, so it is important to replenish it as needed. This will help to keep your garden looking its best.

Mulch is a valuable tool for gardeners of all levels. By understanding the benefits of mulch and how to use it correctly, you can improve the health and beauty of your garden.

Fresh mulched and edged gardens in Wayne New Jersey
Fresh mulched and edged gardens in Wayne New Jersey

Benefits of Using Mulch:

  • Protects the soil from wind and rain erosion.
  • Mulch Shades the soil from being baked by the sun. Hard, baked soil repels water and limits the movement of oxygen into the soil.
  • Retains soil moisture.
  • Mulch keeps the soil temperature more constant than if it was exposed to the air; thus, protecting it from extreme heat and cold.
  • Provides food and shelter to beneficial soil organisms such as earthworms.
  • Breaks down into soil-building humus and nutrients with the help of the soil organisms it provides an environment for.
  • Mulch helps prevent weeds from taking over, and weeds that do happen to grow through the mulch are easily pulled out. Weeds are the earth’s Bandaids, who quickly move in to cover up any bare soil. Don’t encourage them by providing them with the right conditions. Cover up that dirt!
  • Prevents soil from splashing onto plants. Plants with mud splashed on them look bad and, the soil can often carry spores and diseases that then get splashed right onto your plants. Not a good thing.

How Do I Use Mulch?

To a new garden, we apply a 3- to 4-inch layer of shredded bark on top of the soil.

To existing gardens, we apply a new 1- or 2-inch layer of shredded bark each spring right on top of the old mulch. This does 3  things:

  1. Replenishes the mulch that decomposed the previous year.
  2. Creates a new weed barrier
  3. Refreshes the look of you landscape

If you live or own a buisness in the northern new jersey area and would like a quote on installation of mulch . Call (973)406-7187 or vist us on the web www.advancedlandmanagement.com .